Topik Hari ini GOKIEL ABIEZ Yaitu mengenai":
Berikut ini adalah Nama-Nama Kota, Negara dan yang di dalam kurung adalah nama bandara diikuti dengan Tiga huruf kode kota (Three Letter code).
Da Nang, Viet Nam (Da Nang) = DAD
Dabaa City, Egypt (Alalamain Intl) = DBB
Dabo, Papua New Guinea (Dabo) = DAO
Dabra, Indonesia (Dabra) = DRH
Dadu, Pakistan (Dadu) = DDU
Daegu, Republic of Korea (Daegu) = TAE
Daet, Philippines (Naga) = DTE
Daggett, United States (Barstow-Daggett) = DAG
Dahl Creek, United States (Dahl Creek Arpt) = DCK
Dahlgren, United States (NAF) = DGN
Dakar, Senegal (Dakar-Yoff-Léopold Sédar Senghor International) = DKR
Dakhla, Morocco (Dakhla) = VIL
Dakhla Oasis, Egypt (Dakhla) = DAK
Dalaman, Turkey (Dalaman) = DLM
Dalanzadgad, Mongolia (Dalanzadgad) = DLZ
Dalat, Viet Nam (Lienkhang) = DLI
Dalbandin, Pakistan (Dalbandin) = DBA
Dalbertis, Papua New Guinea (Dalbertis) = DLB
Dalby, Australia (Dalby) = DBY
Dalgaranga, Australia (Dalgaranga) = DGD
Dalhart, United States (Dalhart) = DHT
Dali City, China (Dali) = DLU
Dalian, China (Dalian) = DLC
Dallas, United States (Addison Airport) = ADS
Dallas, United States (Dallas North Airport) = DNE
Dallas, United States (Downtown Heliport) = JDB
Dallas, United States (Love Field) = DAL
Dallas, United States (Market Centre H/P) = JMD
Dallas, United States (North Park Inn H/P) = JNH
Dallas, United States (Redbird) = RBD
Dallas, United States (Dallas/Fort Worth International) = DFW
Daloa, Cote D'Ivoire (Daloa) = DJO
Dalton, United States (Municipal) = DNN
Daly River, Australia (Daly River) = DVR
Daly Waters, Australia (Daly Waters) = DYW
Daman, India (Daman) = NMB
Damascus, Syria (International) = DAM
Dambula, Sri Lanka (Dambulu Oya Tank) = DBU
Dammam, Saudi Arabia (Dammam Port) = XZF
Dammam, Saudi Arabia (King Fahd International Airport) = DMM
Danane, Cote D'Ivoire (Danane) = DNC
Danbury, United States (Danbury Municipal Airport) = DXR
Dandong, China (Dandong) = DDG
Dang, Nepal (Dang) = DNP
Danger Bay, United States (Danger Bay) = DGB
Dangriga, Belize (Dangriga) = DGA
Daniels Harbour, Canada (Daniels Harbour) = YDH
Dansville, United States (Dansville) = DSV
Danville, United States (Municipal) = DAN
Danville, United States (Vermilion County) = DNV
Daparizo, India (Daparizo) = DAE
Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania (International) = DAR
Darchula, Nepal (Darchula) = DAP
Dargaville, New Zealand (Dargaville) = DGR
Darjeeling, India (Darjeeling) = DAI
Darnley Island, Australia (Darnley Island) = NLF
Daru, Papua New Guinea (Daru) = DAU
Daru, Sierra Leone (Daru) = DSL
Darwaz, Afghanistan (Darwaz) = DAZ
Darwin, Australia (Darwin) = DRW
Darwin, Australia (Darwin Railway) = XJG
Dashoguz, Turkmenistan (Dashoguz) = TAZ
Datadawai, Indonesia (Datadawai) = DTD
Dathina, Yemen (Dathina) = DAH
Datong, China (Datong) = DAT
Dauan Island, Australia (Dauan Island) = DAJ
Daugavpils, Latvia (Daugavpils) = DGP
Daugo, Papua New Guinea (Daugo) = DGG
Daup, Papua New Guinea (Daup) = DAF
Dauphin, Canada (Dauphin) = YDN
Davao, Philippines (Francisco Bangoy International) = DVO
Davenport, United States (Davenport) = DVN
Davenport, Downs Australia (Davenport Downs) = DVP
David, Panama (Enrique Malek) = DAV
Davis Inlet, Canada (Davis Inlet) = YDI
Dawadmi, Saudi Arabia (Dawadmi) = DWD
Dawe, Myanmar (Dawe) = TVY
Dawson City, Canada (Dawson City) = YDA
Dawson Creek, Canada (Dawson Creek) = YDQ
Daxian, China (Daxian) = DAX
Daydream Is, Australia (Daydream Is) = DDI
Dayong, China (Dayong) = DYG
Dayton, United States (Dayton-Wright Brothers Airport) = MGY
Dayton, United States (Patterson Afb) = FFO
Dayton, United States (Wright AFB) = DWF
Dayton, United States (James Cox Dayton Intl) = DAY
Daytona Beach, United States (Regional) = DAB
Dazu, China (Dazu) = DZU
De Ridder, United States (Beauregard Parish) = DRI
Dean River, Canada (Dean River) = YRD
Dearborn, United States (Hyatt Regency H/P) = DEO
Dease Lake, Canada (Dease Lake) = YDL
Death Valley, United States (Death Valley) = DTH
Deauville, France (St Gatien) = DOL
Debepare, Papua New Guinea (Debepare) = DBP
Debra Marcos, Ethiopia (Debra Marcos) = DBM
Debra Tabor, Ethiopia (Debra Tabor) = DBT
Debrecen, Hungary (Debrecen) = DEB
Decatur, United States (Pyor) = DCU
Decatur, United States (Decatur Arpt) = DEC
Decatur, United States (Decatur Hi-Way) = DCR
Decatur Island, United States (Decatur Island) = DTR
Deception, Canada (Deception) = YGY
Decimomannu, Italy (Rafsu Decimomannu) = DCI
Decorah, United States (Municipal) = DEH
Dedougou, Burkina Faso (Dedougou) = DGU
Deep Bay, United States (Deep Bay) = WDB
Deer Lake, Canada (Deer Lake) = YDF
Deer Lake, Canada (Deer Lake) = YVZ
Deer Park, United States (Deer Park) = DPK
Deering, United States (Deering) = DRG
Defiance, United States (Memorial) = DFI
Degahbur, Ethiopia (Degahbur) = DGC
Dehra Dun, India (Dehra Dun) = DED
Deirezzor, Syria (Al Jafrah) = DEZ
Del Rio, United States (International) = DRT
Del Rio, United States (Laughlin Afb) = DLF
Deline, Canada (Deline) = YWJ
Delissaville, Australia (Delissaville) = DLV
Delta United States (Delta) = DTA
Delta Downs, Australia (Delta Downs) = DDN
Delta Junction, United States (Delta Junction) = DJN
Dembidollo, Ethiopia (Dembidollo) = DEM
Deming, United States (Deming) = DMN
Den Helder, Netherlands (De Kooy/Den Helder Airport) = DHR
Denham, Australia (Denham) = DNM
Deniliquin, Australia (Deniliquin) = DNQ
Denis Island, Seychelles (Denis Island) = DEI
Denison, United States (Municipal) = DNS
Denizli, Turkey (Cardak) = DNZ
Denpasar, Indonesia (Ngurah Rai International) = DPS
Denver, United States (Arapahoe Co) = APA
Denver, United States (Denver International) = DEN
Deparizo, India (Deparizo) = DEP
Dera Ghazi Khan, Pakistan (Dera Ghazi Khan) = DEA
Dera Ismail Khan Pakistan (Dera Ismail Khan) = DSK
Derby, Australia (Derby) = DRB
Derby, United Kingdom (East Midlands) = EMA
Derim, Papua New Guinea (Derim) = DER
Derna, Libya (Martuba) = DNF
Derry, United Kingdom (Eglinton (City of Derry) = LDY
Des Moines, United States (Des Moines International) = DSM
Desolation Sound, Canada (Desolation Sound) = YDS
Desroches, Seychelles (Desroches) = DES
Dessau, Germany (Dessau Railway Stn) = ZSU
Dessie, Ethiopia (Combolcha) = DSE
Destin, United States (Destin-Fort Walton Beach Airport) = DSI
Detroit Lakes, United States (Municipal) = DTL
Detroit, United States (Detroit City) = DET
Detroit, United States (Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County) = DTW
Detroit, MI United States (Willow Run) = YIP
Deux Alpes, France (Deux Alpes) = DXA
Deva, Romania (Deva) = DVA
Devils Lake, United States (Devils Lake) = DVL
Devonport, Australia (Devonport) = DPO
Dewsbury, United Kingdom (Bus Station) = ZEQ
Dezful, Iran (Dezful) = DEF
Dhahran, Saudi Arabia (King Abdulaziz AB) = DHA
Dhaka, Bangladesh (Zia International) = DAC
Dhala, Yemen (Dhala) = DHL
Dhamar, Yemen (Dhamar) = DMR
Dhanbad, India (Dhanbad) = DBD
Dhangarhi, Nepal (Dhangarhi) = DHI
Dharamsala, India (Gaggal Airport) = DHM
Diamantina Lakes, Australia (Diamantina Lakes) = DYM
Diamantino, Brazil (Diamantino) = DMT
Dianopolis, Brazil (Dianopolis) = DNO
Diapaga, Burkina Faso (Diapaga) = DIP
Diavik, Canada (Diavik) = DVK
Dibaa, Oman (Dibaa) = BYB
Dibrugarh, India (Dibrugarh) = DIB
Dickinson, United States (Dickinson) = DIK
Dickwella, Sri Lanka (Mawella Lagoon) = DIW
Diebougou, Burkina Faso (Diebougou) = XDE
Dien Bien Phu, Viet Nam (Dien Bien) = DIN
Dieppe, France (Dieppe) = DPE
Digby, Canada (Digby) = YDG
Dijon, France (Dijon) = DIJ
Dikson, Russian Federation (Dikson) = DKS
Dilasag, Philippines (Dilasag) = DSG
Dili, East Timor (Dili City Heliport) = DIC
Dili, East Timor (Presidente Nicolau Lobato International) = DIL
Dillingham, United States (Municipal) = DLG
Dillon, United States (Dillon) = DLN
Dillon, United States (Dillon) = DLL
Dillons Bay, Vanuatu (Dillons Bay) = DLY
Dimapur, India (Dimapur) = DMU
Dimbokro, Cote D'Ivoire (Dimbokro) = DIM
Dinangat, Papua New Guinea (Dinangat) = DNU
Dinard, France (Pleurtuit) = DNR
Dinder, Sudan (Galegu) = DNX
Diomede Island, United States (Diomede Island) = DIO
Dios, Papua New Guinea (Dios) = DOS
Dipolog, Philippines (Dipolog) = DPL
Diqing, China (Diqing) = DIG
Dire Dawa, Ethiopia (Aba Tenna D Yilma) = DIR
Dirico, Angola (Dirico) = DRC
Dirranbandi, Australia (Dirranbandi) = DRN
Disneyland Paris, France (Disneyland Paris) = DLP
Diu, India (Diu) = DIU
Divinopolis, Brazil (Divinopolis) = DIQ
Divo, Cote D'Ivoire (Divo) = DIV
Dixie, Australia (Dixie) = DXD
Diyarbakir, Turkey (Diyarbakir) = DIY
Djambala, Congo (Djambala) = DJM
Djanet, Algeria (Inedbirenne) = DJG
Djerba, Tunisia (Djerba-Zarzis) = DJE
Djibo, Burkina Faso (Djibo) = XDJ
Djibouti, Djibouti (Ambouli) = JIB
Djoemoe, Suriname (Djoemoe) = DOE
Djougou, Benin (Djougou) = DJA
Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine (Dnepropetrovsk) = DNK
Doany, Madagascar (Doany) = DOA
Dobo, Indonesia (Dobo Airport) = DOB
Doc Creek, Canada (Doc Creek) = YDX
Docker River, Australia (Docker River) = DKV
Dodge City, United States (Dodge City Municipal) = DDC
Dodoima, Papua New Guinea (Dodoima) = DDM
Dodoma, Tanzania (Dodoma) = DOD
Doha, Qatar (Doha) = DOH
Doha, Qatar (Doha Free Zone) = XOZ
Doini, Papua New Guinea (Doini) = DOI
Dolbeau, Canada (St Methode) = YDO
Dole, France (Tavaux) = DLE
Dolomi, United States (Dolomi) = DLO
Dolpa, Nepal (Dolpa) = DOP
Dominica, Dominica (Melville Hall) = DOM
Doncaster/Sheffield, United Kingdom (Robin Hood) = DSA
Donetsk, Ukraine (Donetsk International Airport) = DOK
Dongara, Australia (Dongara) = DOX
Dongguan, China (Dongguan) = DGM
Dongola, Sudan (Dongola) = DOG
Dongsheng, China (Dongsheng) = DSN
Dongying, China (Dongying) = DOY
Doomadgee, Australia (Doomadgee) = DMD
Doongan, Australia (Doongan) = DNG
Dora Bay, United States (Dora Bay) = DOF
Dorado, Puerto Rico (Dorado Beach) = DDP
Dori, Burkina Faso (Dori) = DOR
Dornoch, United Kingdom (Dornoch) = DOC
Dorobisoro, Papua New Guinea (Dorobisoro) = DOO
Dortmund, Germany (Dortmund) = DTM
Dorunda Station, Australia (Dorunda Station) = DRD
Dos Lagunas, Guatemala (Dos Lagunas) = DON
Dothan, United States (Dothan Arpt) = DHN
Douala, Cameroon (Douala) = DLA
Douglas, United States (Bisbee-Douglas Intl) = DUG
Douglas, United States (Douglas Municipal) = DGL
Douglas, United States (Converse County) = DGW
Douglas, United States (Bisbee-Douglas International) = DGF
Dourados, Brazil (Dourados) = DOU
Dover-Cheswold, DE United States (Dover AFB) = DOV
Downey, United States (Heliport) = JDY
Doylestown, United States (Doylestown) = DYL
Drama, Greece (Drama) = DRM
Drayton Valley, Canada (Industrial Airport) = YDC
Dresden, Germany (Dresden Arpt) = DRS
Drietabbetje, Suriname (Drietabbetje) = DRJ
Drift River, United States (Drift River) = DRF
Drumduff, Australia (Drumduff) = DFP
Drummond, United States (Drummond) = DRU
Drummond Island, United States (Drummond Island) = DRE
Dryden, Canada (Municipal) = YHD
Drysdale River, Australia (Drysdale River) = DRY
Dschang, Cameroon (Dschang) = DSC
Du Bois, United States (Du Bois-Jefferson County) = DUJ
Dubai, United Arab Emirates (Dubai) = DXB
Dubbo, Australia (Dubbo) = DBO
Dublin, Ireland (Dublin International) = DUB
Dublin, United States (Municipal) = DBN
Dublin, United States (New River Valley) = PSK
Dubois, United States (Dubois) = DBS
Dubrovnik, Croatia (hrvatska) (Dubrovnik) = DBV
Dubuque, United States (Municipal) = DBQ
Dugong, Mozambique (Dugong) = DGK
Dugway, United States (Michael AAF) = DPG
Dukuduk, South Africa (Dukuduk) = DUK
Dulkaninna, Australia (Dulkaninna) = DLK
Duluth, United States (Duluth International) = DLH
Duluth, United States (Lakeside USAF) = LKI
Dumaguete, Philippines (Dumaguete) = DGT
Dumai, Indonesia (Pinang Kampai) = DUM
Dumpu, Papua New Guinea (Dumpu) = DPU
Dunbar, Australia (Dunbar) = DNB
Duncan, United States(Halliburton Field) = DUC
Duncan Town, Bahamas (Duncan Town) = DCT
Duncan/Quam, Canada (Duncan/Quam) = DUQ
Dundas, Greenland (Dundas) = DUN
Dundee, United Kingdom (Dundee) = DND
Dundee, United Kingdom (ScotRail) = ZDU
Dundo, Angola (Dundo) = DUE
Dunedin, New Zealand (Dunedin International) = DUD
Dunhuang, China (Dunhuang) = DNH
Dunk Island, Australia (Dunk Island) = DKI
Dunkirk, United States (Dunkirk) = DKK
Durango, Mexico (Guadalupe Victoria) = DGO
Durango, United States (Animas Airpark) = AMK
Durango, United States (La Plata) = DRO
Durant, United States (Eaker) = DUA
Durazno Uruguay (Santa Bernardina) = DZO
Durban, South Africa ZA (Durban International) = DUR
Durban, South Africa (Virginia) = VIR
Durham Downs, Australia (Durham Downs) = DHD
Durrie, Australia (Durrie) = DRR
Dushanbe, Tajikistan (Dushanbe) = DYU
Dusseldorf, Germany (Düsseldorf International Airport (rhein-ruhr) = DUS
Dusseldorf, Germany (Station) = QDU
Dutch Harbor, United States (Emergency Field) = DUT
Dwangwa, Malawi (Dwangwa) = DWA
Dysart, Australia (Dysart) = DYA
Dzaoudzi, Comoros (Dzaoudzi) = DZA