Dear YouSayToo member,
We would like to inform you about the recent changes on YouSayToo.
First, we have added a cool, new feature that displays daily pageviews stats. You can use this feature to view your unique pageviews by visiting the "pageviews" tab in your account. You can also view other members' pageviews stats the same way. The graph displays daily unique views of posts, games and the total amount of unique views.
Graph Example:
As you may have noticed, we removed the public gallery section and Buzzer from YouSayToo. This will allow us to focus on the things that are important to bloggers and the community. Personal galleries remain the same. In the future we may bring back Buzzer as a more interactive, integrated and fun feature.
There are more changes coming and, as always, we are open to your suggestions and ideas. If you have any ideas that could benefit the YouSayToo community we will be happy to hear them. You can use our contact form or submit your ideas in our feedback service which you can find on the right side of any page on YouSayToo.